2017 Titles Recommended by Bind Reviewers
To close out 2017, we've put together a short list of books published in 2017 that we read and loved but didn't get to review (yet). Here are our staff picks (alphabetical by author):
Ornament by Anna Lena Phillips Bell (UNT Press)
What Weaponry by Elizabeth J. Colen (Black Lawrence)
Electric Arches by Eve L. Ewing (Haymarket Books)
Sycamore by Kathy Fagan (Milkweed)
There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé by Morgan Parker (Tin House)
Double Portrait by Brittany Perham (Norton)
Witch Wife by Kiki Petrosino (Sarabande)
Ordinary Beast by Nicole Sealey (Ecco)
Gilt by Raena Shirali (YesYes Books)
Unlikely Designs by Katie Willingham (U of Chicago)
If you'd like to review any of these titles for The Bind, please get in touch!
We also have a few changes to announce: Starting in January 2018, The Bind's reviews will be published every other Friday, rather than every Thursday. We'll also be publishing more interviews and lesson plans, along with our usual reviews, responses, writing prompts, and creative-critical experiments.
Happy New Year!